
The entire program prioritizes outreach, inclusion and support for implementation. Program establishment will begin with discussions with colleagues at colleges and universities in Atlanta, including leading HBCUs, and will work closely with the recently launched Center for Academics, Success, and Equity (CASE) at Georgia Tech.

The outreach program provides data, analysis, assessments, testimony, and evaluation of public and private sector initiatives. Outreach will cover technologies, business strategies, infrastructure needs, and policy options.

The community of stakeholders in the state of Georgia, the US southeast, and the nation includes industrial leadership, policy makers, entrepreneurs, students, and the general public.

Mechanisms used for inclusion include: Early discussions across stakeholder organizations and with key faculty at local colleges and universities; leveraging of our existing network to engage them in helping to grow the collective, and engaging others in taking leadership role in the colletive.

Mechanisms used for outreach include: Presentations and testimony for decision-makers and policy-makers; Online and Classroom Courses, Seminars, Webinars, Workshops, and Conferences.  Additionally, publishing through a wide range of academic and industry journals will be conducted.Educational Programming for outreach will include the multitude of learning and communicating mechanisms now available and the distinct needs of differing constituencies. 

Beyond what we can do at Georgia Tech, we envision a collective effort across the freight transport, logistics, supply chain, small business, and community stakeholders. Industry leader and stakeholder workshops will be conducted to help drive consensus on approaches leading to net zero freight systems, and to develop ongoing working relationships needed to achieve resilient, socially beneficial net zero freight systems. Supporting this broader collective is core to the success of the Georgia Tech program.


“Optimizing the Production and Logistics of Hydrogen in the Southeast,” V. Thomas. Georgia Hydrogen Summit, December 4, 2024. https://www.cleancitiesgeorgia.org/georgia-hydrogen-summit/

“Reducing Emissions from Logistics,” V. M. Thomas. Sustainability Research + Innovation Congress 2023, Panama. June 30, 2023. https://2023.sricongress.org/agenda?dates=1688083200000